
Showing posts from June, 2020

blog 3: my favorite piece of technology

hello, how are you? I hope you are good. First of all, today is Chayanne's birthd ay  <3                                      (say hello to chayanne) Today we will talk about: my favorite piece of technology.  T echnology is very very very important and it's hard to choose  just one  piece of technology, but i choose the smartphone.                                                                                                                                                                                                   I think they are very versatile, they have many functions for their small size. Almost everyone these days we have one, they are part of our lives. do you want to take a photo or record a video? There is. You want to listen music?  There is. Do you need a calculator, search for something on the internet, call your best friend, text your mom or even play something? guess ... yes, there is. (I personally use my cell phone a lot, especially now due to online

Blog 2: Why did you choose to study this degree?

  Hello again, Today we talk about why i chose study public administration. It was very difficult to decide a career, i think, like many, i had many options and could not decide. I really like science and so my options were biochemistry (or a degree of science) and technician in aeronautical maintenance – none is related - until then, i did not know the public administration <3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         In the secondary, i participated in meetings and interschools in the University Catholic Silva Henriquez and Diego Portales University on writting essays